Sunday, March 19, 2017

Attention: New Location

        It seems as if we haven't done anything, if I am gonna be completely honest. We have our story line and what we want to do, however we had to change the location to the Weston Town Center as it is closer and vacant, which allows us to film. On Saturday, we are going to film around 7:30 P.M as that is the time until the sun sets, that way we can have perfect lighting that is not too dark nor too light. Our main protagonist Carlos will be running around Town Center and hiding in stairwells. Luckily, there is an elevator that stays in place if no buttons are pressed, so we will try to ask security if we are allowed to use it in our video. If not, we will improvise and determine where Carlos can be found. Below, you can see how Town Center has businesses on the balcony, so we were thinking maybe we can include it in the film opening.


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